The Epic Fail

I have some bad news.

You will fail.

At some time in your life it will happen.  We do everything to avoid failure.  When we can't avoid it, we minimize it or rationalize it away.  When we can't do that we just work hard at hiding it so no one else can see the failure that marks us.

I have a bookshelf full of books about success.  I am a pastor so my books are about leadership success, theological success, teaching success and counseling success.  Just about every page in every book on every shelf is a playbook for success.  Some are distinctly overt and talk about how to be a successful leader.  Others gives tools for Bible study or small group leading that subtly encourage success.

Where are the books on failure?  I have experienced my fair share of failure.  I bet you have too.  Was there a book to help you navigate that failure?  Did anyone come along side you and let you know that you can fail well?

Yeah, I know, the idea of being a successful failure is ironic and not only ironic but a bit shocking to even verbalize in our success driven culture.


Jeff Holmes

I specialize in coaching C-Level executives, Executive Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors, and high-achievers across for-profit and not-for-profit organizations to become exceptional leaders, enhance decision-making capabilities, achieve meaningful results, and experience greater fulfillment.

Can't Win For Losing